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Data Files: Technical Notes     


The Central Alaska Peninsula Radiocarbon Dataset

by Loukas Barton, Scott Shirar, and James Jordan

Radiocarbon data from Chignik-Meshik Rivers Region Cultural Resource Reconnaissance Project.


Teotihuacan Sun Pyramid Cave Dataset

by Rebecca Sload

Artifact counts, photographs, and detailed maps derived from survey and excavations within the cave below the Sun Pyramid, Teotihuacan.

Teotihuacan Moon Pyramid Osbidian Dataset

by David M. Carballo

Obsidian artifact counts from three excavated deposits at the Moon Pyramid, Teotihuacan.

Teotihuacan: Ceramics, Chronology and Cultural Trends--Color Illustrations

by Evelyn Childs Rattray

Polychrome ceramics from the Classic period Mesoamerican city.

Sauce and its Hinterland Dataset

by Alanna E. Ossa

Study of household mounds during the Middle Postclassic period in south-central Veracruz, Mexico.

Agricultural Production at Palenque Dataset

by Rodrigo Liendo Stuardo

Settlement study in the sustaining area of the Classic Maya center.

Mayapan Community Dataset

by Marilyn A. Masson, Timothy S. Hare, Carlos Peraza Lope, and Bradley W. Russell

Community level analysis of domestic agricultural strategies at the site of Mayapan, Yucatán, México.

Chipped Stone from the Copán Valley and the La Entrada Region

by Kazuo Aoyama

Lithic data underlying reconstruction of ancient Maya statecraft, urbanism, exchange and craft specialization.

Upper Grijalva Basin Dataset

By Olivier de Montmollin

Location and architectural details for civic and domestic structures throughout the Upper Grijalva Basin, Chiapaz, Mexico.

Rosario Valley Architectural Gini Coefficient and Neighborhood Dataset

By Kyle Shaw-Müller and John P. Walden

Gini coefficient calculations for domestic platforms within the Upper Grijalva Basin, Chiapaz, Mexico, as well as associated Lorenz curves, univariate plots, wide method f" and narrow method f" acceleration charts.

Belize River Valley Regional Dataset

by John P. Walden, Claire E. Ebert, Julie A. Hoggarth, Shane M. Montgomery, and Jaime J. Awe

Values for 28 variables used in a multivariate analysis of 35 sites across the Belize River Valley.

Lower Dover Late Classic Pottery Production Dataset

By Yijia Qiu

Mineralogical analyses of sherd samples from 9 households in the Lower Dover Maya polity of the Late Classic Period, Belize.


Yaxha Household Dataset

by Laura Lucía Gámez Díaz

Study of household ritual at the Terminal Classic Maya settlement of Yaxha, Guatemala.

Masaya Regional Settlement Dataset

by Manuel Román-Lacayo

Regional settlement study of the Masaya Region, Nicaragua.

Barranca Settlement Dataset

by Mauricio Murillo Herrera and Felipe Sol Castillo

Regional settlement study and excavations in the region near the site of Barranca, Costa Rica.

San Ramón de Alajuela Settlement Dataset

by Mauricio Murillo Herrera

Regional settlement study in San Ramón de Alajuela, Costa Rica.

Bolas Settlement Dataset

by Scott Palumbo

Regional settlement study in the middle Térraba Basin region of Costa Rica.

Upper Térraba Regional Dataset

by Felipe Sol C.

Regional settlement study in the Upper Térraba region of southern Costa Rica.

Asiento Viejo Dataset

by Mikael John Haller

Regional settlement study along the Río Parita in central Panama.

He-4 (El Hatillo) Community Dataset

by Adam C. J. Menzies

Intensive artifact collections at the site of El Hatillo, Panama.

El Hatillo Household Dataset

by Wiliam A. Locascio

Study of household contexts at the El Hatillo site (HE-4), Río Parita Valley, Panama.

Volcán Barú Dataset

by Scott Palumbo

Study of chiefly communities in the Volcán Barú region in western Panama.

Río Tonosí Valley Settlement Dataset

by Charles A. Berrey

Regional settlement study in the Río Tonosí valley of Central Pacific Panama.


Muisca Datasets (Colombia)

Sogamoso Settlement Dataset

by Sebastian Fajardo Bernal

Regional settlement study in the Sogamoso Valley.

Valle de Leiva Dataset

by Carl Henrik Langebaek Rueda

Regional settlement study in the Leiva Valley.

Regional Archaeology in the Muisca Territory: Fúquene Project Dataset

by Carl Henrik Langebaek Rueda

Regional settlement study of the Fúquene region.

Samacá Dataset

by Ana María Boada Rivas

Survey of the area around Samacá.

La Herrera Settlement Dataset

by Silvia M. Broadbent

Survey of the area around the Laguna de La Herrera.

El Venado Dataset

by Ana María Boada Rivas

Household and burial data from the El Venado community.

Nueva Esperanza Archaeological Salvage Project

by Empresas Públicas de Medellín and Grupo Energía de Bogotá

Community level data collected through salvage work associated with the Nueva Esperanza electrical power plant project.

Valle de Tena Dataset

by Pedro María Argüello García

Regional settlement study of the Valle de Tena region.

Chronology of the Bogotá Savanna [PDF]

by Ana María Boada Rivas and Marianne Cardale de Schrimpff

Description of ceramic styles for the Bogotá Savanna with their respective chronological periods. (In Spanish.)

Mesitas Community Dataset

by Víctor González Fernández

Household analysis for a chiefdom's central place at San Agustín in the Alto Magdalena of southern Colombia

Mesitas Recent Period Household Dataset

by Francisco E. Romano-Gómez

Excavations of domestic units belonging to the Recent Period at the Mesitas community of the Alto Magdalena, southern Colombia.

Filandia Settlement Dataset

by Luis Gonzalo Jaramillo E., Elizabeth Ramos Roca and Julián Andrés Escobar Tovar

Regional survey and excavations in the area of Filandia in the Middle Valley of the Cauca River, Colombia.

Prehispanic Chiefdoms in the Valle de la Plata: Vertical Economy Dataset

by Dale W. Quattrin

Household archaeology in the Alto Magdalena of southern Colombia.

Prehispanic Chiefdoms in the Valle de la Plata: Formative 3 Communities Dataset

by Luis Gonzalo Jaramillo E.

Household archaeology in the Alto Magdalena of southern Colombia.

Prehispanic Chiefdoms in the Valle de la Plata: Regional Settlement Dataset

by Robert D. Drennan

Regional settlement study in the Alto Magdalena of southern Colombia.

San Agustín-Isnos Settlement Dataset

by Robert D. Drennan, Víctor González Fernández, and Carlos Augusto Sánchez

Regional settlement study in the Alto Magdalena of southern Colombia.

Malagana Site Dataset

by Hernando Javier Giraldo Tenorio

Intensive artifact collections at the Malagana site, southwestern Colombia.

Llanos of Casanare Settlement Dataset

by Juan Carlos Vargas Ruiz

Regional settlement study carried out in the Casanare region at the foothills of the Colombian Andes.

Andean Cranial Trauma Dataset

by Elizabeth N. Arkush

Counts of antemortem and perimortem cranial and facial trauma among adults and subadults throughout the Central Andes.

Quijos Settlement Dataset

by Andrea M. Cuéllar

The Quijos Chiefdoms: Social Change and Agriculture in the Eastern Andes of Ecuador.

Machalilla Settlement Dataset

by Alexander J. Martín

Regional settlement study in the Machalilla National Park (southern Manabí, Ecuador).

Las Vegas Fauna Dataset

by Peter Stahl and Karen E. Stothert

Study of faunal remains at early Holocene sites along the Vegas river, coastal Ecuador.

El Dornajo Community Dataset

by Sarah R. Taylor

Study of household contexts from the El Dornajo site, Southern Ecuador.

Pedregal Dataset

by Robyn E. Cutright

Study of household contexts from the Pedregal site, Jequetepeque valley, north of Peru.

Nepeña Valley Dataset

by Hugo Cesar Ikehara Tsukayama

Regional settlement study of the Nepeña Valley, north coast of Peru.

Bandurria Household Dataset

by Alejandro Jose Chu Barrera

Study of faunal and botanical household remains at the Bandurria site, Huaura, Peru.

Yahuay Alta Community Dataset

by Kirk E. Costion

Community analysis of the Yahuay Alta site, Moquegua Valley, Peru.

Trapiche Itapalluni Colonial Mining Dataset

by Sarah A. Kennedy

Analyses of mining practices from the colonial period silver refinery, Trapiche Itapalluni, in the Puno Bay of Peru.

Wankarani Settlement Dataset

by Timothy L. McAndrews

Regional settlement study of early village-based society in the Bolivian Altiplano.

Isla Mocha Dataset

by Roberto J. Campbell

Study of socioeconomic differentiation at the Araucanian chiefly center in Isla Mocha, Chile.


Pavlinovo Dataset

by Bryan K. Hanks

Human-Animal Relationships in the Eurasian Steppe Iron Age.

Zingeyka River Valley Settlement Dataset

by Denis V. Sharapov

Regional settlement study in the Zingeyka Valley of the Southern Ural Steppes, Russia.

Talgar Alluvial Fan Dataset

by Claudia Chang and Perry A. Tourtellotte

Settlement study of the Talgar Alluvial Fan, Almaty Province, Kazakhstan.

Chifeng Settlement Dataset

by The Chifeng International Collaborative Archaeological Research Project

Regional settlement study in the Chifeng region of northeastern China (Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region).

Fushanzhuang Community Dataset

by Christian E. Peterson

Household analysis at the Hongshan period Fushanzhuang community in the Chifeng region of Northeastern China (Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region).

Upper Daling Region Settlement Dataset

by Christian E. Peterson, Lu Xueming, Robert D. Drennan, and Zhu Da

Regional settlement study in the Upper Daling Valley, northeastern China.

Upper Daling Region Hongshan Household and Community Dataset

by Christian E. Peterson, Lu Xueming, Robert D. Drennan, and Zhu Da

Household and community analysis in the Upper Daling Valley, northeastern China.

Upper Daling Region Hongshan Pottery Production Dataset

by Tao Li

Pottery sourcing study in the Upper Daling Valley, northeastern China.

Liangcheng Settlement Dataset

by Gregory G. Indrisano

Regional settlement study in the Liangcheng region of south central Inner Mongolia, China.

Zhangwu Regional Dataset

by James T. Williams

Regional settlement study in the Liaoning region of Northeast China.

Fuxin Settlement Dataset

by Gideon Shelach-Lavi, Mingyu Teng, Ido Wachtel, Chen Zeigen, and Xiongfei Wan

Regional survey and excavations in the Fuxin area of Western Liaoning Province, China.

Taojiahu-Xiaocheng Settlement Dataset

by Dongdong Li

Regional settlement study of the Dafushui region (Jianghan Plain), China, including the walled towns of Taojiahu and Xiaocheng, as well as their surrounding hinterland.

Yuxi Valley Settlement Dataset

By Wenjing Wang and Weihong Wu

Regional settlement study of the Yuxi River Valley of Anhui, China.