Comparative Archaeology Database  |  Center for Comparative Archaeology  |  University of Pittsburgh

Rosario Valley Architectural Gini Coefficient and Neighborhood Dataset

Kyle Shaw-Müller and John P. Walden

This dataset complements the article Inequality on the Southwest Maya Frontier: House Size Variations in Three Polities of the Rosario Valley, Chiapas (2023), Ancient Mesoamerica 34(9):1–11, by Kyle Shaw-Müller and John P. Walden. It compares Gini coefficients across several settlements within the Rosario Valley, Chiapas, Mexico.

Shaw-Müller, Kyle and John P. Walden (2023) Rosario Valley Architectural Gini Coefficient and Neighborhood Dataset. Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh. URL: <>.

Funding to collect the data presented here was provided by the University of Toronto.

Designed by Nora St. Clair and Hannah Stewart

Supplemental Information to the Print Publication

The following interactive page provides figures that could not be fully included in the publication. These are Lorenz curves, univariate plots, wide method f" and narrow method f" acceleration charts.

Lorenz Curves, Univariate Plots,
f' and f" Acceleration Charts

Numeric Data

Numeric data are provided in two file formats. Comma-delimited .CSV files can be imported into spreadsheet, database, and statistical programs for manipulation and analysis. Excel spreadsheets are easier to browse, and can also be imported into many programs. The numeric data files are as follows:

Los Encuentros:

Mound Area Gini Computations

Mound Volume Gini Computations

House-Group Area Gini Computations

House-Group Volume Gini Computations

Plazuela Area Gini Computations

Ojo de Agua:

Mound Area Gini Computations

Mound Volume Gini Computations

House-Group Area Gini Computations

House-Group Volume Gini Computations

Plazuela Area Gini Computations


Mound Area Gini Computations

Mound Volume Gini Computations

House-Group Area Gini Computations

House-Group Volume Gini Computations

Plazuela Area Gini Computations

Rosario Valley (All):

Mound Area Gini Computations

Mound Volume Gini Computations

House-Group Area Gini Computations

House-Group Volume Gini Computations

Plazuela Area Gini Computations

Spatial Data

Spatial information is provided as AutoCAD (Release 12) .DXF files which can be read by many CAD and GIS programs. The coordinate system is WGS84, UTM zone 15N (units are meters). The spatial data presented here uses as a base some of the spatial data layers from the Upper Grijalva Basin Dataset by Olivier de Montmollin, hosted elsewhere in the Comparative Archaeology Database. The layers used include Civic Ceremonial Structures, Rivers, and Survey Boundaries.

Sampled Polity Polygons

House Group Points

Labelled Structures


Plazuela Polygons