Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Fuxin Settlement Dataset
Gideon Shelach-Lavi, Mingyu Teng, Ido Wachtel,
Chen Zeigen, and Xiongfei Wan

Survey Units

The data files SURVUNITS.TXT and SURVUNITS.XLS contain data on all survey collection units. SURVUNITS.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file; SURVUNITS.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line represents one survey collection unit. There are 1,530 lines, each with 14 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:

1 Collection—unique name given to each collection comprised of numbers and letters. Refer to the Field Methods document for description of naming conventions.
2 Site number--The number of the site to which the collection unit belongs. Refer to the Field Methods document for description of naming conventions.
3 Date of collection
4 The grid number marked on a reference satellite image for parcellation of the entire survey area, refer to spatial data set.
5 Team--A single letter designating the survey team within the tract that recorded the unit.
6 Surface visibility--Subjective assessment of the vegetation cover in the area in which the collection was made:

H = high visibility
M = medium visibility
L = low visibility
blank = missing data
7 Collection method—refer to survey methods document for a description of the different collection methods.

G = general
S = systematic
blank = missing data
8 Number of collection circles--The number of circles 3 m in diameter from which the collection was made if systematic (blank indicates general collection or missing data).
9 Number of general bags collected
10 Number of ceramic bags collected
11 Number flint bags collected
12 Number basalt tool bags collected
13 Number of bags collected with other finds
14 Remarks--Notes about feature associations or other idiosyncrasies

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:


This means that the data belongs to collection number 12A1000, who’s site data is missing. The data were recorded on December 12th, 2012. The reference grid number is 123 and the collection was made by team A. during collection surface visibility was high. The collection method was general, therefore the number of circles was left blank. No collection bags were opened for the collection and there were no additional remarks.

The last, or 1,530th line of the ASCII text file is:

13S2047,,20/04/2013,109,S,H,S,1,121º55'11.600,42º14'02.400,0,0,0,0,0,NO finds. No. of 6 m diameter circles is 1.

This means that the data belong collection number 13S2047, who’s the site data is missing. The data were recorded on April 20th, 2013. The reference grid number is 109 and the collection was made by team S. during collection surface visibility was high. The collection method was systematic, with collections made from 1 3m diameter circle. No collection bags were opened for the collection and collector commented: “finds. No. of 6 m diameter circles is 1”.

Download the file SURVUNITS.TXT (75 KB) or the file SURVUNITS.XLS (282 KB).

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