Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Fuxin Settlement Dataset
Gideon Shelach-Lavi, Mingyu Teng, Ido Wachtel,
Chen Zeigen, and Xiongfei Wan

Stone tools from Excavation Area 12D16

The data files EXCSTONE_12D16.TXT and EXCSTONE_12D16.XLS provide information about stone tools collected in Area 12D16. EXCSTONE_12D16.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file; EXCSTONE_12D16.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the ASCII file represents one stone tool. There are 26 lines, each with 9 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 Point. The unique identifier code for the stone tool
2 UTM East coordinates
3 UTM North coordinates
4 UTM elevation (Z) coordinates
5 The basket number within the excavation unit
6 Excavation location ID
7 Square ID
8 Context
9 Comments, including tool type if known

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:

8018ST,408808.706,4667751.185,219.941,8018,H801b,H,living floor?,LOST

This means that this is stone tool 8018ST, located in UTM coordinates 408808.706 E, 4667751.185 N, 219.941 Z. The basket number where it was collected is 8018, excavation location ID H801b, square H. The context is possibly a living floor and the artifact has been lost.

The last, or 26th line of the ASCII text file is:

I9245ST,408855.759,4667730.452,215.768,9245,I949C,I,UNDER HUT FLOOR LEVEL,

This means that this is stone tool I9245ST, located in UTM coordinates 408855.759 E, 4667730.452 N, 215.768 Z. The basket number where it was collected is 9245, excavation location ID I949C, square I. The context reads "UNDER HUT FLOOR LEVEL."

Download the file EXCSTONE_12D16.TXT (2 KB) or the file EXCSTONE_12D16.XLS (31 KB).

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