Comparative Archaeology Database  |  Center for Comparative Archaeology  |  University of Pittsburgh

Mayapan Community Dataset

Marilyn A. Masson, Timothy S. Hare,
Carlos Peraza Lope, and Bradley W. Russell

The data files below provide ceramic counts by type and period for surface collections (PEMY field seasons 2001-2004) and the MEMS project, as well as MEMS test pits. The PEMY project focused on milpas (cleared and burned) fields inside of or close to the city wall. PEMY surface collections were systematic 3 meter dog leash collections. The MEMS project was a satellite project that involved survey, mapping, non-systematic surface collection, and a test pit program outsid of the city walls of Mayapán that formed the basis of Bradley W. Russell’s 2008 Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, The University at Albany SUNY.


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[Excel format]


Each line in the CSV file corresponds to the ceramic sherds of one type within one context. There are 3,741 lines, each with 17 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 Project Name, where:
  • PEMY - Proyecto Economico de Mayapán, a systematic surface collection of data inside or near to the city wall

  • MEMS - Mayapán Extra-Muralla Survey project, a non-systematic surface and test pit collection of data outside of the city wall
2 Year
3 Milpa number
4 Structure number
5 Test pit number
6 Surface Collection Number
7 Secondary surface collection number, which provides an additional identifying number in cases where multiple surface collections were made in the same locality
8 Level (note: only MEMS test pits)
9 Lot (note: only MEMS test pits)
10 Time period, where
  1. Tases Postclassic
  2. Hocaba Postclassic
  3. Cehpech/Sotuta Terminal Classic
  4. Cochuah/EC
  5. Motul/Late Classic
  6. Preclassic
  7. Colonial
11 Count of sherds
12 Ceramic type
13 Count of rim sherds
14 Count of body sherds
15 Count of other types of sherds
16 Description of other type of sherds
17 Vessel shape

The first line of the CSV file, for example, looks like this:

PEMY,2002,24,M-62,,M-3,1,,,1,22,Chen Mul modelado: Chen Mul,,22,,,Incensario

This means that these ceramic sherds were collected as a part of the Proyecto Economico de Mayapán in 2002. The sherds were recovered at milpa 24, structure M-62 and have the collection number M-3 and secondary collection number of 1. The collection has been identified as Tases Postclassic, and is comprised of 22 sherds of the Chen Mul modelado: Chen Mul ceramic type. All 22 of the sherds are from the body of a vessel and are of the incensario form.