Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Pavlinovo Dataset
Bryan K. Hanks

Faunal Data

The data files FAUNAL.TXT and FAUNAL.XLS contain data on bone faunal remains recovered at the Pavlinovo site. FAUNAL.TXT is an ASCII text file; FAUNAL.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line represents one bone. There are 4046 lines in the text file, each with 31 fileds (variables) separated by commas. The codification values for each of the fields can be found in pages 336-343 of the dissertation from which this dataset is derived, or may be downloaded as a .PDF here. The variables are, in the following order:

1 Bone identification (context) number
2 X axis coordinates
3 Y axis coordinates
4 Excavation grid area coordinates (see plan)
5 Depth from surface level
6 Depth from site datum
7 Bone concentration number or Upper Level (UL) designation
8 Bone element
9 Species
10 Bone break type
11 Recent break
12 Greatest length of bone
13 Weight in grams
14 Articulation
15 Side
16 Completeness
17 Anterior/posterior
18 Medial/lateral
19 Age criteria
20 Relative age
21 Sex criteria
22 Sex
23 Counted as MNE element
24 Degree of taphonomic weathering
25 Type of taphonomic weathering
26 Breakage pattern
27 Burning type
28 Degree of burning
29 Split type
30 Cutmark type

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:


This indicates that the bone identification number is 1 and is located 1.95 cm east of the SW corner of the grid square, and 1.1 cm north of the SW corner of the grid square. The grid square is O-9. The bone was located at .36 cm below the surface level, and at 0.5 cm above the datum. It is designated as part of the Upper Levels assemblage. It is a tibia distal end (epith+shaft) belonging to the Genus Ovis or Capra.The bone break type is a longitudinal split with no recent breaks. Its greatest lenght is 13.2 mm and weights 39 grams. It is indetermined or not articulated. It is a right-sided bone. It is about 50% complete, has a complete anterior-posterior profile, and a complete medial-lateral profile. The aging criteria is an epiphysis fused. The relative age is an adult. There is no sex criteria or sex available. It was counted as a Minumum Number of Elements. It shows slight weathering due to abrasion (impact of wind and/or waterborne particles). It has a spiral fracture (green bone). It is unburnt and hence it shows 0% burning. It is split longitudinally into medial/lateral parts and shows no cut marks. There are no additional comments for this bone.

The last (or 4046th) line of the ASCII text file is:


This indicates that the bone identification number is 7237 and is located 3 cm east of the SW corner of the grid square, and 1.1 cm north of the SW corner of the grid square. The grid square is Z-2. The bone was located at .93 cm below the surface level, and at 1.52 cm above the datum. It is designated as part of the Concentration 10 assemblage. It is an Upper M3 belonging to Bos taurus.There is no bone break, and hence there are no recent breaks recorded. Its greatest lenght is 5 cm and weights 25 grams. It is indetermined or not articulated. It is a right-sided bone, and it is 100% complete. It has a complete anterior-posterior profile, and a complete medial-lateral profile. The aging criteria is an erupting tooth. The relative age is a sub-adult. There is no sex criteria or sex available. It was counted as a Minumum Number of Elements. It shows no weathering or weathering type. It is unbroken and unburnt, and hence it shows 0% burning. It also has no spliting and shows no cut marks. There are no additional comments for this bone.

Click here to download FAUNAL.XLS (1.16 MB) as an excel spreadsheet.

Additonally, the file FAUNAL.TXT (380 KB) contains the same information as a comma-delimited text file which is easier to import into some statistical software packages. Please note that in order to make the comma delimited file readable across computer platforms, the Cyrillic characters used to label each excavation grid unit (Field 4) have been transliterated into their Roman alphabet equivalents, as in the following key:

А = A Г = G Д = D Е = E Ж = ZH З = Z И = I
К = K Л = L М = M Н = N О = O Р = R Т = T

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