Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Upper Grijalva Basin Dataset
Olivier de Montmollin

Domestic structure information

The data files DOMESTIC.TXT and DOMESTIC.XLS provide the dimensions, area, volume and building type for all Late Terminal Classic Period domestic structures within the study area. DOMESTIC.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file; DOMESTIC.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line in the ASCII file corresponds to one domestic structure. There are 11,014 lines, each with 27 variables separated by commas. The variables are listed in the following order:

1 Period.
LTC = Late Terminal Classic
NLTC = Non Late Terminal Classic
2 Polity. The polity to which the domestic structure belongs:
  • RO = Rosario polity - (please see de Montmollin 1989a:ch.2, pp.40-50; 1995:ch.3, pp.51-61; ch.4, pp.76-86 for details about polity definition and boundaries).
  • OA = Ojo de Agua polity - (please see de Montmollin 1995:ch.3, pp.51-61; ch.4, pp.76-86 for details about polity definition and boundaries).
  • LE = Los Encuentros polity - (please see de Montmollin 1995:ch.3, pp.51-61; ch.4, pp.76-86 for details about polity definition and boundaries).
  • JA = Jabalí polity - (please see de Montmollin 1995:ch.3, pp.51-61; ch.4, pp.76-86 for details about polity definition and boundaries).
  • CO = Concepción polity - (please see de Montmollin 1995:ch.3, pp.51-61; ch.4, pp.76-86 for details about polity definition and boundaries).
  • n/a = Not available (for domestic structures that are not from the Late Terminal Classic Period).
3 District. The district to which the domestic structure belongs:
  • CAP = Capital Center within a polity.
  • ROS = Rosario district (in Rosario polity).
  • CHI = Chihuahua district (in Rosario polity).
  • MOM = Momon district (in Rosario polity).
  • NS = Nuestra Senora district (in Rosario polity).
  • SIN = Santa Ines North district (in Rosario polity).
  • SIS = Santa Ines South district (in Rosario polity).
  • ZOR = Zorrillo district (in Rosario polity).
  • ROS/SIN = boundary area between Rosario and Santa Ines North districts (in Rosario polity).
  • SIS/SIN = boundary area between Santa Ines North and Santa Ines South districts (in Rosario polity).
  • OAE = Ojo de Agua East district (in Ojo de Agua polity).
  • OAW = Ojo de Agua West district (in Ojo de Agua polity).
  • LEP = Non-capital district (in Los Encuentros polity).
  • YAL = Yalisac (West of Ojo de Agua polity).
  • LOM = Lomas (in Rosario polity).
  • Other = Settlements outside survey area.
  • n/a = Not available (for domestic structures that are not from the Late Terminal Classic Period).
For details and boundaries about:

-- Hinterland districts within the Rosario polity [RO], please see de Montmollin 1989b:ch.5, pp.25-39.

-- Hinterland districts within the Ojo de Agua [OA] polity, please see de Montmollin 1995:ch.4, pp.76-86.

-- Hinterland districts within the Los Encuentros [LE] polity, please see de Montmollin 1995:ch.4, pp.76-86.

-- Hinterland districts within the Jabalí [JA] polity, please see de Montmollin 1995: ch.4, pp.76-86.

-- Hinterland districts within the Concepción [CO] polity, please see de Montmollin 1995:ch.4, pp.76-86.
4 Structure ID. A unique identifing alphanumeric code specific to each domestic structure. The first part of the code includes the letters RV for "Rosario Survey Project" and a unique site number. This is followed by a dash followed by a unique structure ID number. In some cases, there are uppercase letters after the dash which designate a subdivision of that site. For example, "RV219-43" labels structure 43 within site 219 or "RV163-A_128" labels structure 128 in sector A within site RV163.

This ID corresponds to the structure IDs given in the DOMESTIC_ID, DOMESTIC_RF_ID, and DOMESTIC_RF_ID layers of the file DOMESTICMAP.DXF provided in the location of domestic structures page of this dataset.
5 House group. The house group number identifies a residential unit, grouping one or more domestic structures used for dwelling.

(Blank = a domestic non-dwelling structure not associated with a residential housegroup.)
6 Length of structure (m). (Blank = not recorded.)
7 Width of structure (m). (Blank = not recorded.)
8 Height of structure (m). (Blank = not recorded.)
9 Area (variable 6 x variable 7) (m2)
10 Volume (variable 6 x variable 7 x variable 8) (m3)
11 Structure type:

Dwelling structures
  • r = range-like building
  • p = domestic platform
  • ps = small platform
  • sps = extra small platform
  • pt = platform/terrace
  • pts = small platform/terrace
  • prs = platform/rss
  • e = enclosure
  • es = small enclosure
  • et = enclosure/terrace
  • pe = platf/enclosure
  • pes = small platf/enclosure
  • rs = rubble-sherd scatter
  • rp = rubble pile
Non-dwelling structures
  • a = altar
  • s = sub-dwelling
  • o = other (non-dwelling feature)
  • pa = pyramid annex
  • prp = pyramid-like dwelling platform (one of a kind)
  • lpnd = long platform (non-dwelling/non-range-like)
12 Elite structure rank:

E = elite, 9.0 m or longer.
e = elite, less than 9.0 m, in a house group with an E rank structure.
P = elite, 9.0 m or longer, in a house group on a plaza.
p = elite, less than 9.0 m, in a house group on a plaza.
13 Number of clearly preserved platform edges (recorded as definite walls). Together, variables 13 and 14 served to evaluate the accuracy and confidence placed in the structure/platform dimensions reported in variables 6 and 7. ("-" = not recorded/missing data.)

Note: rubble piles and sherd scatters ("rp" and "rs" type structures from variable 11) do not have platform edges, thus variable 13 was left blank for those structure types.
14 Number of less clearly preserved platform edges (recorded as doubtful walls) . Together, variables 13 and 14 served to evaluate the accuracy and confidence placed in the structure/platform dimensions reported in variables 6 and 7. ("-" = not recorded/missing data.)

Note: rubble piles and sherd scatters ("rp" and "rs" type structures from variable 11) do not have platform edges, thus variable 14 was left blank for those structure types.
15 Mounding:

h = high
m = moderate
s = slight
f = flat
hf = high with flat top
fs = flat to slight
sm = slight to moderate
mh = moderate to high
"-" = not recorded
blank = missing data.
16 Uncut stones:

x = present
blank = not clearly seen
"-" = not recorded
17 Rough cut stones:

x = present
blank = not clearly seen
"-" = not recorded
18 Fairly well cut stones:

x = present
blank = absent
"-" = not recorded
19 Well cut stones:

x = present
blank = absent
"-" = not recorded
20 River cobble stones:

x = present
blank = absent
"-" = not recorded
21 Small-stone rubble:

x = present
blank = absent
"-" = not recorded
22 Size of stones:

L = larger than usual
S = smaller than usual
blank = normal size
"-" = not recorded
23 Amount of rubble:

x = more than usual amount of rubble
blank = usual amount of rubble
"-" = not recorded
24 Wallfall. A visible pattern of courses for a wall that fell over in one piece (inside or outside the platform):

x = present
x? = possibly present
blank = not present or visible.
"-" = not recorded
25 Internal (intraplatform) partitions and/or features observed:

p = partition
p? = possible partition
r = rectangle
r? = possible rectangle
lp = lenghtwise partition
lp? = possible lenghtwise partition
ro = room
ro? = possible room
blank = nothing visible
"-" = not recorded
26 External (extraplatform) features observed:

s = stairway
s? = possible stairway
w = walkway
w? = possible walkway
ap = attached platform
ap? = possible attached platform
"-" = not recorded
blank = nothing visible.
27 Structure drawing missing. 1 = the structure is not drawn on the map of domestic structures provided in this dataset.

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:


This means that the structure belongs to the Late Terminal Classic period and it is located in the Rosario polity, Zorrillo district. Its ID is RV14-1. It belongs to house group 2 and measures 5.50 m in length, 4.00 m in width, and 0.85 m in height. These measurements mean that it has an area of 22 m2 and a volume of 18.70 m3. It is a domestic platform mound and a total of three walls were observed. The mounding is high and the structure exhibits well-cut stones and more than usual amount of rubble.

The last, or 11014th line of the ASCII text file is:


This means that the structure does not belong to the Late Terminal Classic period, thus no polity or district information is provided. Its ID is RV204-P2 and it is a rubble pile.

Download the file DOMESTIC.TXT (797 KB) or the file DOMESTIC.XLS (2.78 MB).

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