Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Quijos Settlement Dataset
Andrea M. Cuéllar

Stratigraphic Test Data

The data files EXC1X1.TXT and EXC1X1.XLS contain data on all 1 m by 1 m stratigraphic tests made at Quijos. EXC1X1.TXT is an ASCII text file; EXC1X1.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line represents one stratigraphic test. There are 31 lines in the text file, each with five variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:

Stratigraphic test number
Altitude in meters above sea level
Soil productivity rank, expressed on a scale from 1 to 4, where 1 represents the most productive soils, and 4 the least.
Settlement type: VS=Very small; S=Small; MN=Moderately nucleated; LN=Large nucleated
Location of stratigraphic test: OS=Off-site; OT=Outside of terrace; VST=Very small terrace; ST=Small terrace; LT=Large terrace; VLT=Very large terrace; AT=Agricultural terrace

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:


This indicates that the data are for the stratigraphic test VQ004, located at 2280 m above sea level, in an area of rank 3 soil productivity. The stratigraphic test was at a small site, located just outside of it.

The last (31st) line of the ASCII text file is:


This indicates that the data are for the stratigraphic test VQ041, located at 1720 m above sea level, in an area of rank 2 soil productivity. The stratigraphic test was at a very small site, and located on a small terrace.

Click here to download the file EXC1X1.TXT (1 KB) or the file EXC1X1.XLS (18 KB).

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