Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Agricultural Production at Palenque Dataset
Rodrigo Liendo Stuardo

Flint Inventory

The file FLINT.TXT contains data on flint and chert recovered from the excavations. These data are in the form of an ASCII text file that can be read directly or easily imported to an application program such as a database manager or statistics package. The file contains 207 lines, one for each excavated provenience and combination of artifact characteristics. On each line are 18 numbers or text strings separated by commas. These are:

1 Area: 1=Palace Midden, 2=Gruop I, 3=Hinterland
2 En the case of the Hinterland, Provenience Number (8 digits--first and second digits are site number; third and fourth are structure number; fifth: 1=trench, 2=pit; sixth: 1=adjacent to structure, 2=outside structure, 3=in patio, 4=in structure, 5=burial, 6=midden, 7=cache; seventh is operation number; eighth is level number [top to bottom])
3 No. of fragments
4 Raw material: 1=White flint,  2=Whitish-gray to dark gray flint, 3=Black to brown flint, 4=Brown to reddish flint, 5=Chert, 6=Limestone, 7=Sandstone, 8=Basalt
5 Form of core: 1=Nodule, 2=Bipolar core, 3=Multipolar core
6 Lithic industry: 1=Flakes,  2=Blades
7 Flake type: 1=Decortification flake, 2=Primary flake, 3=Secondary flake, 4=Microflake
8 Flake modification: 1=Modified, 2=Unmodifiied 
9 Face modified: 1=Ventral, 2=Dorsal, 3=Amberso
10 Retouch zone: 1=Marginal, 2=Bimarginal, 3=Other
11 Retouch type: 1=Continuous, 2=Discontinuous, 3=Abrupt, 4=Invadiente, 5=Cubriente, 6=Periferal
12 Muesca: 1=Unilateral, 2=Bilateral
13 Use wear: 1=Use wear, 2=Crude lines
14 Product: 1=Projectile point, 2=Raedera, 3=Scraper, 4=Drill, 5=Knife, 6=Miscellaneous, 7=Polisher, 8=Tajador, 9=Waste flake, 10=Adze
15 Length (cm)
16 Width (cm)
17 Thickness (cm)

The first line of the file, for example, looks like this:


It contains data on a fragment from the Hinterland, provenience 2031111, 1 fragment, raw material is chert, the form of the core is a nodule, the lithic industry is flakes, the flake type is primary, it is unmodified, there is no informacion on the face modified, or on the retouch zone, or on the retouch type, or on the muesca, there is use wear in the form of crude lines, the product is a scraper, there is no length measurement, or width measurement, or thickness measurement, there are no comments.

The last line (the 207th) is:


It contains data on a fragment from the Palace midden, there is no provenience number, 1 fragment, raw material is black flint, there is no information on the form of the core, the lithic industry is flakes, the flake type is primary, it is unmodified, there is no informacion on the face modified, or on the retouch zone, or on the retouch type, or on the muesca, there is use wear in the form of crude lines, the product is a knife, there is no length measurement, or width measurement, or thickness measurement, there are no comments.

Click here to download the file FLINT.TXT (9 KB).

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