Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Upper Daling Region Hongshan Household and Community Dataset
Christian E. Peterson, Lu Xueming, Robert D. Drennan, and Zhu Da

Lithics Data by Collection Square

The data files LITHSQ.TXT and LITHSQ.XLS contain data on lithiic artifacts organized by individual 5-m intensive collection square. LITHSQ.TXT is a comma-delimited ASCII text file, which should be easy to import into spreadsheet, database, and statistical programs for manipulation and analysis. LITHSQ.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet which is easier to browse, and can also be imported into many programs. Each line in LITHSQ.TXT and LITHSQ.XLS represents one collection phase in one 5-m intensive collection square. If a collection phase in a square yielded no lithic artifacts, there is no line for it in these files. There are 661 lines, each containing 53 variables in the following order:

1 Square number: a four-digit number for 5-m intensive collection squares.
2 Phase: A = first phase of intensive surface collection; B = second phase of intensive surface collection (screening upper soil).
3 Key: a text string combining the square number and collection phase.
4 Total lithics: Count of the total number of lithic artifacts, including formal tools and debitage.
5 Number of formal tools.
6 Number of formal tools made of raw material of "good" quality.
7 Number of formal tools made of raw material of "poor" quality.
8 Number of formal tools made by flaking (can co-occur with grinding and/or pecking).
9 Number of formal tools made by grinding (can co-occur with flaking and/or pecking).
10 Number of formal tools made by pecking (can co-occur with grinding and/or flaking).
11 Number of abraders.
12 Number of awls and drills.
13 Number of axes and adzes.
14 Number of blades.
15 Number of retouched blades.
16 Number of retouched flakes.
17 Number of unifacial scrapers.
18 Number of bifacial scrapers.
19 Number of choppers.
20 Number of blade cores.
21 Number of unidirectional flake cores.
22 Number of multidirectional flake cores.
23 Number of projectile points.
24 Number of blanks.
25 Number of edges with angles less than 25 degrees (total for blades, knives, flakes, and scrapers).
26 Number of edges with angles of 25-44 degrees (total for blades, knives, flakes, and scrapers).
27 Number of edges with angles of 45-65 degrees (total for blades, knives, flakes, and scrapers).
28 Number of edges with angles greater than 65 degrees (total for blades, knives, flakes, and scrapers).
29 Total number of pieces of debitage.
30 Number of pieces of deibtage of raw material of "good" quality.
31 Number of pieces of debitage of raw material of "poor" quality.
32 Number of complete and broken flakes assigned to "core" manufacturing type, as defined by Bradbury and Carr (1999).
33 Number of complete and broken flakes assigned to "tool" manufacturing type, as defined by Bradbury and Carr (1999).
34 Number of complete flakes, as defined by Sullivan and Rozen (1985).
35 Number of broken flakes, as defined by Sullivan and Rozen (1985).
36 Number of flake fragments, as defined by Sullivan and Rozen (1985).
37 Number of pieces of shatter, as defined by Sullivan and Rozen (1985).
38 Weight (g) of all debitage in Size Grade 1 (caught in 1-inch screen).
39 Weight (g) of all debitage in Size Grade 2 (caught in 1/2-inch screen).
40 Weight (g) of all debitage in Size Grade 3 (caught in 1/4-inch screen).
41 Weight (g) of all debitage in Size Grade 4 (passes 1/4-inch screen).
42 Count of all debitage in Size Grade 1 (caught in 1-inch screen).
43 Count of all debitage in Size Grade 2 (caught in 1/2-inch screen).
44 Count of all debitage in Size Grade 3 (caught in 1/4-inch screen).
45 Count of all debitage in Size Grade 4 (passes 1/4-inch screen).
46 Count of debitage without cortex in Size Grade 1 (caught in 1-inch screen).
47 Count of debitage without cortex in Size Grade 2 (caught in 1/2-inch screen).
48 Count of debitage without cortex in Size Grade 3 (caught in 1/4-inch screen).
49 Count of debitage without cortex in Size Grade 4 (passes 1/4-inch screen).
50 Count of debitage with cortex in Size Grade 1 (caught in 1-inch screen).
51 Count of debitage with cortex in Size Grade 2 (caught in 1/2-inch screen).
52 Count of debitage with cortex in Size Grade 3 (caught in 1/4-inch screen).
53 Count of debitage with cortex in Size Grade 4 (passes 1/4-inch screen).

The first line of the ASCII text file LITHSQ.TXT, for example, looks like this:


This means that the line contains data from the second collection phase in Square 0001; there were 6 lithic artifacts, of which 1 was a formal tool. That formal tool was made of poor material by flaking; it was a unifacial scraper with a very obtuse edge angle. The other 5 artifacts were debitage; all 5 made of poor material. 2 of them were assigned to "core" manufacturing type; 2 were complete flakes, and 3 were shatter. Of all debitage 60.20 g were in size grade 1; 7.20 g in size grade 2; 0.30 g in size grade 3; and 0.00 g in size grade 4. Of all debitage 2 pieces were in size grade 1; 2 in size grade 2; 1 in size grade 3; and none in size grade 4. Of debitage without cortex 0 pieces were in size grade 1; 1 in size grade 2; 1 in size grade 3; and none in size grade 4. Of debitage with cortex 2 pieces were in size grade 1; 1 in size grade 2; none in size grade 3; and none in size grade 4.

The last, or 661st line of the ASCII text file LITHSQ.TXT is:


This means that the line contains data from the first collection phase in Square 2076; there was 1 lithic artifact; it was not a formal tool. It was a piece of debitage; made of poor material and assigned to "core" manufacturing type. It was a complete flake. It accounted for 21.80 g were in size grade 1; and a count of 1 in size grade 1. It was without cortex, so counted as 1 in size grade 1. There was no debitage with cortex.

Download the file LITHSQ.TXT (136 KB) or the file LITHSQ.XLS (198 KB).

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