Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Chifeng Settlement Dataset
Chifeng International Collaborative Archaeological Research Project

Modern Occupation

Data on the distribution of modern occupation were taken from topopgraphic maps dating to the early 1990s. They are provided in a vector format and two raster formats.

In vector format, there is an AutoCAD (Release 12) .DXF file called MODERN.DXF. Each area of modern occupation (e.g. village or town) is indicated by an AutoCAD closed polyline on the layer TOWNS (color White) enclosing its complete area. Click here to download the file MODERN.DXF (348 KB).

In raster format, cell values are 1 for areas within villages and towns; otherwise, 0. The Idrisi raster layers are in MODERN-IDRISI.ZIP (a compressed file that contains MODERN.RDC and MODERN.RST). Click here to download the file MODERN-IDRISI.ZIP (83 KB). The GeoTIFF format is in MODERN-GEOTIFF.ZIP (a compressed file that contains MODERN.TFW and MODERN.TIF). Click here to download the file MODERN-GEOTIFF.ZIP (85 KB).

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