Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

Chifeng Settlement Dataset
Chifeng International Collaborative Archaeological Research Project

Bone Artifacts from Stratigraphic Tests

The data files BONEART.TXT and BONEART.XLS contain data on all bone artifacts recovered in the stratigraphic testing. BONEART.TXT is a comma delimited ASCII text file, which should be easy to import into spreadsheet, database, and statistical programs for manipulation and analysis. BONEART.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet which is easier to browse, and can also be imported into many programs. Each line represents one artifact. Excavation units that yielded more than one artifact thus have more than one line in these data files. Excavation units that yielded no bone artifacts do not appear at all. There are 31 lines, each with 10 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:

1 Key--a combination of the site number, "X", and the excavation unit number for a unique text string that identifies each excavation unit. Corresponds to the key in the listing of excavation units, and thus links individual artifacts to provenience data.
2 Tool--a description of the artifact
3 Taxon--Class (divided by size), Family, or Genus to the extent identifiable
4 Element--Skeletal element if identifiable
5 Side--Left or right (if paired bone) or axial (as determinable)
6 Portion--Portion of the skeletal element represented if not complete and portion determinable
7 Proportion--Proportion of the skeletal element present (as a decimal fraction, 1.00=complete)
8 Thermal alteration
9 Modification
10 Comment

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:

342X012,LB fragment w/ sides ground to a tapering point (now broken); expedient awl?,MLG mammal,LB diaphysis,,,,burnt,ground,

This means that the artifact belongs to the excavation unit with the key 342X012. The artifact is described as "LB fragment w/ sides ground to a tapering point (now broken); expedient awl?" The bone is from a medium-large mammal. The skeletal element is a long-bone diaphysis. No side, portion, or proportion are provided. The artifact was burnt (thermal alteration) and ground (modification). There are no additional comments for this artifact.

The last, or 31st line of the ASCII text file is:

674X156,flat ground and polished piece,MLG Mammal,scapula?,,,0,,pecked; ground; polished,scapula/ with spine pecked away; and remaining surfaces ground and polished to a high finish

This means that the artifact belongs to the excavation unit with the key 674X156. The artifact is described as a "flat ground and polished piece". The bone is from a medium-large mammal. The skeletal element is probably a scapula. No side, portion, or proportion are provided. The artifact had no thermal alteration. The artifact was pecked, ground, and polished (modification). The comment describes tha artifact as a "scapula/ with spine pecked away; and remaining surfaces ground and polished to a high finish."

Click here to download the file BONEART.TXT (5 KB) or the file BONEART.XLS (5 KB).

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