Comparative Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh

El Venado Dataset
Ana María Boada Rivas

Faunal Remains

The data files FAUNA.TXT and FAUNA.XLS contain data on the faunal remains from excavations at El Venado. FAUNA.TXT is an ASCII text file; FAUNA.XLS contains the same data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Each line represents one bone or bone fragment (or several with all the same characteristics), so a particular context appears multiple times if there were several different faunal remains there. There are 1666 lines in the text file, each with 22 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:

1 Test pit number
2 East-west coordinate (for a test pit, the southwest corner; for a tomb, the center; for a feature, the center)
3 North-south coordinate (for a test pit, the southwest corner; for a tomb, the center; for a feature, the center)
4 Level number
5 Residential unit designation of context (blank=Unassigned)
6 Class (AN=Amphibia; AV=Aves; LM=Large mammal; LMM=Large/medium mammal; MA=Mammalia; MM=Medium mammal; MO=Mollusca; ND=Unidentified; OS=Osteichthyes; SM=Small mammal)
7 Order (AR=Artiodactyla; CA=Carnivora; DI=Didelphimorphia; ED=Edentata; GA=Gasteropoda; LA=Lagomorpha; ND=Unidentified; OS=Ostariophysida; RO=Rodentia)
8 Family (AGO=Agoutidae; BO=Bovidae; BU=Bulimulidae; CA=Caviidae; CE=Cervidae; CH=Characidae; DA=Dasypodidae; DID=Didelphidae; LE=Leporidae; ND=Unidentified; PRO=Procyonidae; SU=Subulinidae)
9 Genus (AG=Agouti; BO=Bos; BRY=Brycon; CAV=Cavia; CE=Cerdocyon; DA=Dasypus; DIL=Didelphis; NA=Nasua; ND=Unidentified; OD=Odocoileus; PLE=Pleikocheilus; SU=Subulina; SY=Sylvilagus)
10 Species (AP=Aperea; BRA=Brasilensis; MA=Marsupialis; MO=Moorei; NA=Nasua; ND=Unidentified; OC=Octona; PO=Porcellus; SP=Species; SU=Succinoides; TA=Taurus; TH=Thous; TI=Taczanowskii; VI=Virginianus)
11 Skeletal element (AN=Antler; AS=Astragalus; AT=Atlas; AX=Axis; C=Canine; CA=Carpal; CAL=Calcaneus; CAR=Carapace; CAV=Caudal vertebra; CR=Cranial; CU=Cuneiform; FB=Flat bone; FE=Femur; FI=Fibula; FPH=First phalanx; FR=Frontal; FRAG=Fragment; FRI=First rib; FRTA=First metatarsal; HU=Humerus; I=Incisor; I1=Incisor 2; LB=Long bone; LUT=Lunate; LV=Lumbar vertebra; M=Molar; MAN=Mandible; MAX=Maxilla; ME=Metacarpal; MET=Metatarsal; META=Metapodial; NA=Nasal; NACU=Naviculo-cuboid; ND=Unidentified; OC=Occipital; P=Premolar; P4=Premolar 4; PAR=Parietal; PATE=Patella; PE=Pelvis; PH=Phalanx; RA=Radius; RI=Rib; SA=Sacrum; SC=Scapula; SCA=Scaphoid; SPH=Second phalanx; STB=Stemabra; STE=Sternum; TAME=Tarsus metatars; TE=Temporal; TEE=Teeth; TI=Tibia; TPH=Third phalanx; TRAP=Trapezoid; TV=Thoracic vertebra; UL=Ulna; VE=Vertebra; VME=Vestigial metacarpal; VEP=Vestigial phalanx; ZIG=Zigomatic)
12 Bone portion (ACE=acetabulum; ARP=Articular process; BO=Body; CE=Centrum; CO=Complete; COP=Coronoid process; DE=Distal end; DEP=Distal epiphysis; DIA=Diaphysis; EPI=Epiphysis; FRAG=Fragment; GF=Glenoid fossa; HNT=Head/neck/tubercle; IL=Ilium; ILIS=Ilium and ischium; IS=Ischium; ND=Unidentified; PDE=Proximal and distal end; PE=Proximal end; PEP=Proximal epiphysis; PP=Petrous portion of temporal; PU=Pubis; SP=Spine; SSTB=Second segment of sternum; SESTB=Seventh segment of sternum; TSTB=Third segment of sternum)
13 Side (L=Left; NA=Not applicable; ND=Unidentified; R=Right; RL=Right and left)
14 Age of individiual (AD=Adult; NA=Not applicable; ND=Unidentified; SU=Subadult)
15 Criterion for age determination (DD=Deciduous teeth; FU=Fused epiphysis; NA=Not applicable; PD=Permanent dentition; UN=Unfused epiphysis; S=Size)
16 Sex (F=Female; M=Male; ND=Not determined)
17 State of preservation (ER1=Slightly eroded; ER2=Moderately eroded; ER3=Heavily eroded; WP=Well preserved)
18 Modification (BB=Burned black; BU=Butchered or cut marks; CA=Calcined; CG=Carnivore gnawed; CM=Cut marks; NM=Unmodified; RE=Root edged; RG=Rodent gnawed; WO=Worked)
19 Number of bones or fragments with these characteristics
20 Miscellaneous observations
21 Period of the excavated context (COL=Colonial; EM=Early Muisca; LH=Late Herrara; LM=Late Muisca; NOID=Not identified; PREC=Preceramic; REP=Republican; REVU=Mixed)
22 Mesh size (mm) used to screen dirt from this excavated context

The first line of the ASCII text file, for example, looks like this:


This indicates that the faunal remains are from Test Pit 2, at coordinates 596.0 East-West and 250.0 North-South, in Level 1. The context is assigned to residential unit LM20. The faunal remain belongs to the large mammal class. The order, familiy, genus, and species are unidentified. The bone belongs to a pelvis; it is a fragment. Which side of the animal is undetermined, as is the age of the individual and its sex. The state of preservation is slightly eroded; it is unmodified. The data pertain to only 1 fragment. There are no miscellaneous observations. The context dates to Late Muisca, and the material was recovered from 6 mm screen.

The last (1666th) line of the ASCII text file is:


This indicates that the faunal remain is from Test 72 at 659.2 East-West and 288.3 North-South. It is from level T21 and is assigned to residential unit LH04. The remain is not identified as to class, order, family, genus, species, skeletal element, bone portion, side or age or sex of individual. The bone is slightly eroded, and not modified. Only 1 fragment is represented. There are no miscellaneous observations. The period of the context is Late Herrera, and the bone was recovered from 6 mm screen.

Click here to download the file FAUNA.TXT (122 KB) or the file FAUNA.XLS (536 KB).

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